What vaccines do I need to travel to Egypt

Health Travel tips for a safe and enjoyable experience in Egypt.
Do I need vaccines to travel to Egypt? This is a frequent question among travelers about to embarque on a tour. Egypt, a fantastic land full of ancient mysteries and breathtaking history, is on the bucket list as a dream destination for many.
We can certainly tell you that there are no vaccination requirements for visiting Egypt. As per COVID-19, entry restrictions were lifted on June 17, 2022.
Is Egypt Safe to Travel?
There is sometimes a perception that visiting certain African countries may involve risks. Still, Egypt is a popular travel destination that receives millions of tourists annually and has no record of fatal incidents related to vaccine issues. 4.9 Million visited Egypt in 2023.
If you feel that you are at risk of contracting any disease during your trip, you can get the vaccines mentioned below if you do not have them. No proof of vaccines will be requested on arrival in Egypt, so getting them is up to you.
General Recommendations for Travel Vaccines
Some vaccines are recommended not only for travelers to Egypt but also for many other Countries. As for travelers coming from the United States, let’s assume everyone got their vaccinations before arriving in the USA since it is an express requirement to grant a visa in that Country.
Vaccination proof is required for people arriving from places with a risk of Yellow fever.

If you do not have the vaccines described below, you can get them if you wish, but they are not required to enter Egypt.
Getting re-vaccinated is a personal choice.
Influenza or Flu
The CDC recommends this vaccine once a year during the season. Anyone over 6 months of age should get an annual vaccination.
Yellow Fever
Egypt has completely eradicated Yellow fever. However, they are picky about this matter and will not allow travelers coming from high-risk Countries without the vaccine.
The Yellow fever vaccination proof is required in Egypt if you have been for at least 12 hours in a country with Yellow Fever transmission, such as the following Countries:
Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Togo and Uganda.
But once again, it is not about spreading fear, and it is not a guarantee that you will visit any of the Countries on the list and will get Yellow Fever. These are statistical figures; nobody will question your vaccination status if you come from the United States
Salmonella Thyfis causes Thypoid, which can be contracted from contaminated food and water; vaccination is recommended if you are a traveler with an elevated infection risk. Practice effective hand hygiene to keep infection under control.
This shot lasts 2 years. Oral vaccines last 5 years, and you must be able to swallow pills. Oral doses are also available but must be kept in the refrigerator.
Hepatitis A
This test is recommended for most travelers. Immunity can decrease over time. If you travel from the US, this is a mandatory test, so you should know your immunity status.
Hepatitis B
It is recommended for most travelers to all regions. Body fluids, blood. The above information also applies to Hepatitis B
It is recommended that if you are arriving from a country with polio, most people receive this vaccine during the first year of life; however, there could be exceptions. Make sure your Polio vaccine history is up to date.
If you have been in contact with animals with rabies, this vaccine might be required in Egypt. However, it is unnecessary if you are not at risk of contracting this disease.
Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR)
Is an easily spread disease present in many parts of the world. Vaccination protects individuals from three viruses. MMR is an approved and mandatory vaccine in the United States.
This vaccine protects you from three diseases, Tetanus-Diphteria and Pertussis; you should get a booster every 10 years.
Although this is not an article about the water in Egypt, I would like to add that tap water in Egypt is not to be trusted. Even the locals in Egypt do not drink tap water, unlike in the United States, where we usually drink from the tap. This practice is discouraged in Egypt; bottled water is affordable and accessible. Travel with confidence and get ready to enjoy your Egypt Tour

US visitors must have a passport with at least six months of validity and sufficient pages to enter Egypt.
Below is an approximate image of the visa sticker granted upon arrival in Egypt.
This visa sticker is purchased on arrival; it costs 27 dollars and must only be paid in US currency.

In general, proof of vaccination is not required to enter Egypt unless you are arriving from Countries with a high risk, especially for Yellow Fever. However, as mentioned previously, certain vaccinations are recommended for all international travel, not just African Countries, so you may wish to consider getting them if you feel it is necessary. Ultimately, though, proof of vaccinations is not a mandatory entry requirement for Egypt when traveling from the US.